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Act of Kindness from Heather

I feel so strongly about our healthcare workers in light of what we're asking from them - we have seen the impact from the early days, with the mask cuts on faces of those working in NYC. I happen to know a few of them; from front line/urgent care to administrative roles, they are all important parts of a huge system.

A family friend recently contracted COVID in Michigan, and with her comorbidities it caused everyone quite a lot of concern. I happen to make handmade goat's milk and hemp oil soaps, and decided to divert a couple from my very busy queue of incoming holiday orders to send them her way, as a nod to the sacrifice healthcare workers make for all of us. As you can imagine, it's an excellent time to be in the soap business, as we are all washing our hands and staying as clean as possible.

Needless to say, she was absolutely touched and sent me this lovely picture of the soaps as they arrived at her beautifully decorated home. It makes me deeply happy to see them appreciated, and I hear she is slowly recovering.

Be safe out there and please follow the three Ws to support our healthcare workers. We are the front lines in this fight.


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