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Act of Kindness from Bjørn


I'm a Norwegian, and I've been a long time listener to the Osterholm


I live in a somewhat rural town in the geographical center of the

country, and as such we've been pretty fortunate in there being almost

no Covid19 cases here at all even since it all started over a year ago.

At least so far (knock on wood).

My government job also means we're getting a lot of extra precautions to

follow, so even if restaurants, shops, even gyms have been open pretty

much since summer, I've been stuck working from home since xmas.

I think it sucks, but thanks to the media obviously, and of course

thanks to Mike telling it how it is on the ground in the US, I'm well

aware that there are people who are suffering way more than me.

So, I tried to do my part by buying a few of the cool CIDRAP items from

the MN Alumni shop, as well as taking part in the so called "Secret

Santa" gift exchange on Reddit this xmas.

Since Reddit has a global reach and user base, but is still pretty US

heavy, I imagined the chance of being paired with someone from the

states was big. And sure enough I ended up sending my gifts to two kind

ladies, one in NY and the other in Kansas, who had both experienced

losing loved ones to Covid, and suffering other losses which badly

impacted their lives during the pandemic.

Both of them sent notes of thanks after receiving the packages which

expressed that the gifts really brightened up their day and lives, even

in this trying time.

For my own part I got a package from a kind woman in "Steel City"

Pittsburgh with lots of local goodies, a very cool city themed t-shirt,

and a letter where she too wrote of hardships due to Covid, but that

being able to take part in the exchange itself had made her day alot

better. During the exchange I was able to chat with everyone as well,

and it was a nice experience and way to reach out and learn of someone

elses lives and situation.

I'll attach a couple pictures of the packages they received once they

were opened. One was a legit xmas package of goodies from Norway, the

other a sort of xmas card, that I have to admit I ended up going way

overboard with. It ended up essentially as a DIY xmas ornament and card

all in one. But it was fun, and I'll definitely do it again!


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