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Act of Kindness from Amy

Yesterday is I was in my car, waiting in line to get a COVID test. Getting test is not comfortable so I was nervous.

From two cars in front of me I heard the most horrible screaming from a young child. I work with babies and toddlers and the sound of crying doesn’t normally phase me... but this was different. I realized that what to me was a little scary and uncomfortable, was so much much worse for this child who had no idea what was going on. The terror in this scream was like nothing I have ever heard.

I then thought of the child’s poor parents who must have been distressed from hearing such terror from their own child.

And then I thought of the health care providers giving the test to this child. They are putting themselves at risk of contracting COVID while doing a thankless and challenging job... and doing it with such kindness, competence, and grace!

I can’t imagine continuing to work following the screams of this child, but when it was my turn, the tester was clear, calm, cool headed, and so professional. Her job is to provide one act of kindness after another in situations that many of us could not handle.

I want to thank all those thousands of people doing COVID testing around the country who — by getting up in our noses — are helping us get through this crisis!


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Amy, I manage a COVID testing site. My nurses are caring, compassionate and highly skilled. Most days we don’t hear much screaming, the nurses are really good with kids. But once in a while we get a screamer. You’re right, it‘s a terrible sound. But they can’t let that shake them, there’s always someone else to test. Thanks for noticing.

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